Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Uke Can Call Me Crazy...

Sometime back in February I shot an e-mail to Brad Donaldson to get on the list for one of his ukuleles.

I've noticed that somehow I reside in the purgatory between "jack of all trades" and "jack-wagon".  I have a tendency to get neck deep into projects and hobbies and churn/burn long enough to remove the magic of how it works.  Then I'll flit onto the next interest.  They've been unicycle, juggle, disc golf, soccer, ultimate frisbee, mountain biking, guitar, kites, theology....

I'm now nearly 2 years into ukulele and I still love it.  It is just so easy to pick up and strum.  Guitar took some setup time, space and hoping kids would show up with roaming interrupting hands.  Ukulele is just quick, easy, and the learning curve matches.  It's fun and happy.

We'll I've gone far enough that I'm taking the plunge into it being the next level of hobby.  I have a Kala CEM which is a beautiful concert size Mahogany.

Brad is building a tenor size, Bearclaw spruce with myrtle sides and back.  It has been a long wait and I hope to have it before Christmas.  Here are the few progress pics I have, I'll post final pics when it's in hand.  Enjoy!

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