Thursday, March 29, 2012

This review is

Two days ago was the official release of Birds of Relocation.  This is the latest album by Eric Peters.
I've met Eric a few times, he's even stayed at the Kulp B&B.  He is a regular on the RR and that place is a gateway drug for good music and stories.  My first real introduction to his music was hearing him play "Chrome" at Hutchmoot; I had bought the cd earlier in the day.  In typical fashion for that collection of artists it was a story of the song followed by the song.  This makes you listen to every word.  I listened and I was hooked.

Since then he has played at our church twice and each time was followed by good conversation, good food and good beer at the North Country Brewhouse.  Some tall crazy WV'er was around for one of these too (S.D. Smith who wrote an excellent BOR review at The Rabbit Room).

Also for each concert, James Witmer and Vince Anastasi provided an opener.  There's been an odd forging of friendships over this music.  Truly a wonder and a blessing of meeting new people who you may not have met otherwise. 

Enough back-story (and name/link dropping; I dropped so many links you'd think I worked at a chain factory), onto the review.

I like "Birds of Relocation".  I liked "Chrome" too, but it was dark and heavy.  Chrome put words to points of lost anguish.  Sometimes that is music to fit the bill.  BOR took a different turn because it is written from a different place.

I was thinking about this while driving.  My mind kept coming back to Jonah.  It seems like the "Chrome" album was written from a point of being inside the fish.  BOR is from the sandy beach.  Having been vomited onto the shore for the task, now ready to do it.  Yes, Eric was just compared to sand-crusted whale vomit.  I'm sure I could parallel "Scarce" and "The Miracle of Forgetting" to early aspects in the Jonah narrative.

I like EP music because it is written with heart.  "Chrome" had the heart of Jonah in the belly of the fish.  I want to have hope, I know where my hope comes from, I just can't see it.

BOR has survived the ordeal.  It is thankfully rejoicing in the sunshine.  It is a proclamation of grace and redemption; of hope fulfilled.  There are still monumental tasks before you, that you are called to; but the path is lit, and it is beautiful.

So yes, I recommend BOR.  I recommended "Chrome" usually with a warning that it was heavy.  Musically it flowed but before long you were wrapped in the struggle.  Sometimes that is music I need.  Eric delivers great melodies again but BOR delivers the other side of that struggle.


  1. Vomit references aside, I still love this review. I've never thought of the Jonah analogy, but I am grateful for your insight. Thank you for caring enough to ponder and think through the songs. Save me a chain link.

    1. I reference you as whale vomit in the best possible way. I'm looking forward to your next trip through my neck of the woods. Keep up the good music.

  2. Only you would be able to find a way to compare good music to vomit.
